6 May |
The Tahltan HEO Program Community Celebration Is PostponedThe Tahltan HEO Program Community Celebration scheduled for May 10th in Dease Lake is postponed due to two deaths in the Nation and the road being closed. |
5 May |
TNDC Marks National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+Today – May 5 – is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ (Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual plus) people. |
27 Apr |
TNDC Team Marks Day of Mourning and Pledges Commitment to SafetyEvery workplace injury, accident and near miss is one too many and a workplace death is a statistic no company wants. Every injury, disease or death is preventable, and serves as a powerful reminder that employers and employees have a vital responsibility to ensure our workplaces are healthy and safe. That is the motivation behind Day of Mourning, a national day held annually on April 28 to remember those who have lost their lives from traumatic injury on the job or to workplace injury or illness. |
19 Apr |
Tahltan Nation Development Corporation Launches Refreshed BrandTNDC is proud of our growth and diversification – expanding our services to heavy construction, earthworks, camp services, air support, aviation, forestry, transportation, and fibre-optics communications services. |
4 Apr |
Congratulations to TNDC's 2022 Inaugural Long Service Award RecipientsWe are delighted to recognize more than 20 employees for their long-term commitment, loyalty, and service to TNDC, which ranged from six years up to an impressive 25 years! |
28 Mar |
Inaugural Tahltan HEO Program Camp Life Orientation Completes Successful WeekThe first-ever Tahltan HEO Program Camp Life Orientation week – held at the Newcrest Red Chris Mine – has successfully wrapped. Running from March 16 to 23, the first four participants experienced first-hand what life is like working and living at a remote operating mine. |
22 Mar |
Announcing the Q4 2022 Quarterly Award Winners in TNDC Reward & Recognition ProgramCongratulations to the TNDC Employee Reward and Recognition Program Q4 2022 Quarterly Award Winners – Les Creyke, Ashton Lomen and Chris Walker – each of who are being recognized by their colleagues and supervisors for demonstrating initiative, dedication and commitment to our company and our clients. Each Award Winner will receive 250 IdeaSource points and a Quarterly Award Certificate. Read their nomination profiles below for inspiration and check out the PDF for their photos! |
8 Mar |
TNDC Celebrates and Commits to Ensuring Equality and Equity for Our Female WorkforceToday, March 8, is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and marking a call to action for accelerating gender parity. It asks the world to call out instances of bias against women in the workplace, at school and at home. We salute the many strong, bright, talented women who work for TNDC, those we work with and call colleagues, managers, friends, mothers, sisters and daughters. |
22 Feb |
Standing Together Against BullyingToday – February 22, 2023 – is Pink Shirt Day, a national day to wear pink to take a stand against bullying, which is a problem in many schools, workplaces, homes and online. On this important day, our team is wearing pink shirts with the message Lift Each Other Up! to take a collective stand against bullying and be an advocate for kindness and inclusivity. |
16 Feb |
TNDC Welcomes Calvin Carlick as Director Partnership and Business DevelopmentTahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) is pleased to announce that Calvin Carlick will be joining TNDC as Director, Partnership and Business Development, beginning March 20, 2023. In this newly created leadership role, Calvin will be responsible for increasing TNDC revenues and growing business partnerships between TNDC and other organizations. In addition to managing TNDC’s existing service provider partners, Calvin will identify new market and partnership opportunities, establish a new partnership agreement and business structure, and facilitate contract opportunities for Tahltan entrepreneurs. |